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Welcome to iGlobe CRM Outlook Add-in. This is a free add-in for iGlobe CRM Office 365

A large amount of customer communication takes place via email. That is why we created an Office 365 Outlook Add-in to give you the best integration to iGlobe CRM Office 365 no matter what device you are on. iGlobe Outlook Add-in for iGlobe CRM can only be used with iGlobe CRM Office 365. The Add-in deliver improved productivity for Office 365 and Outlook, OWA app on iPad and iPhone and Tablets users!

iGlobe Outlook Add-in provide you with two key features; 1. Mails you receive and 2. Mails you send.

  1. For mails you Receive, iGlobe Outlook Add-in will let you;
    • Save the email in iGlobe CRM
    • Create a company in iGlobe CRM directly from Outlook
    • Create a contact in iGlobe CRM directly from Outlook
    • Create an opportunity directly from Outlook
    • Create a note
    • Edit a company and a contact
    • Save an email on a selected contact
    • Save the email and relate to a pipeline (SSO)
  2. for mails you send, iglobe outlook add-in will let you;
    • Check if the receiver exists in iGlobe CRM
    • Add recipients to your mail, both into the To or Cc Fields
    • Select if you want the mail to be saved on receivers from both the To or Cc Fields
    • Save an email on a selected contact
    • Save the email and relate to a pipeline (SSO)

To get started using iGlobe Outlook Add-in you need to enter the URL for iGlobe CRM. Go to your iGlobe CRM Site and copy the URL from “https” until “Pages”.

For full documentation and help go to - here And youtube

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